Wednesday, May 15, 2013

16 May 2013

Raging burning in the stomach because at lunch I ate.  I thought I would puke it hurt so much.  It's 12:15 a.m.  Tomorrow I will not eat so that I can sleep through the night.  I will try as hard as I can not to eat.  I want some peace.  Logging this in the blog spot as I don't want people to read it unless they seek it out.  Who wants to know about stuff like this? Not many people I'm thinking, so writing it here is good for me.  I haven't actually puked from UC yet.  This third flare since being diagnosed (third flare in my life) I have felt nausea for the first time.  I read about it but I thought it didn't apply to me.  Now I know it does.  Interesting how each of the three flare episodes has been somewhat different.  I feel better now so I'm going off the lap top and toilet and into bed.  We'll see how long it lasts.  I am using the toilet about 45 times a day; all after I eat.  I use it about 15 times in the morning when I wake up and if I eat lunch I use it all evening and night until around 2:00 a.m.  I get a break from about ten a.m. to one p.m. if I don't eat anything when I wake up.  My plan tomorrow is to not eat at all and sleep when I want and function how I want during the day without having to be glued to the toilet.

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