Thursday, May 30, 2013

30 May 2013

Hoping to control myself eating so that I can go to the whole funeral tomorrow without using the toilet.  I am going to give a reading, so I don't want to have to back out of it because of toilet issues.  I would also not feel good about leaving in the middle of a funeral t use the toilet.

30 May 2013

Still suffering.  It's difficult to eat without my stomach hurting.  It is very difficult to figure out what to eat.  I'm slowly getting better at figuring out what to eat.  Mostly, I guess I can eat small amounts of potatoes and rice and that's it.  I can drink this special shake I get for $4.75 at Teaberry.  It does upset my colon, but I can handle it.  I am faithfully taking the probiotics, L-glutamine, vitamins, astazanthine, spirunilla and chlorella.  I need to take the vitamins and supplements twice a day and sometimes I only take it once per day.

I had my daughter at ballet yesterday and I was on the toilet right in the middle of vacating tones of diarrhea and blood.  The office opens up right into the main busy area of the lobby.  She opened the door so I had to jump off the toilet right in the middle of everything and slam the door shut.  I guess the lock isn't working on the door.  When I returned to the toilet I had to clean up with toilet paper all the grossness.  It was choking disgusting.  I had to talk to my my daughter through the door telling her to stay out there and I'll just be a moment.  I was frantically trying to clean up.  The ballet instructor had sent her to me to change her into her new costume she had just received.  The purpose was to see if it fit.  My daughter was yelling through the door to me that the ballet instructor had asked us to hurry and I was frantically trying to hurry.

This is what it is like to live with Ulcerative Colitis.  Anyway, she got her outfit on and I made the place acceptable to look at, however, the washroom needs to be thoroughly cleaned.  My daughter did her practice-run for the show with her outfit on and I got to see it.

This is not my daughter's tutu, just using it as an image.  I googled it.

Friday, May 24, 2013

24 May 2013

So I was pretty good all morning.  I took my probiotic, then after a bit I took my l-glutamine, then I had an egg-white mcbreakfast thing at mcdonald's and a hot chocolate and my husband wanted to go there.  At around 3:30 I had a bubble tea.  It's made with lychee jellies, yogurt, cucumber, honey dew melon and avacado and it's a drink.  You can get the pearls with it as in the photo, but I like the lychee jellies better. I had two bags of Famous Amos cookies and that's what I ate today.

My colon is rearing up in alarm at what I ate and freaking out.  The toilet has been my constant companion since around 6:00 p.m.  It is bubbling and moving and peeing dark brown out my bum. I also had my vitamins, chlorella, astaxanthin, spirunilla... I think I'm forgetting something, but that's what I can remember.

I was exhausted at around 1:00 p.m.  I felt like crying I was so tired.  I tried to sleep, but people wouldn't let me!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

23 May 2013

I ate nothing all day so far but had my probiotic in the morning.  I'm going to eat now.  I regrouted some of our kitchen tile all morning.  My stomach was fine.  Maybe it is safe to get a job now.

I'm exhausted physically, but that is normal considering how difficult regrouting tile is.  Ugh, I have so much to do yet.  I had an episode when I first woke up as usual, but that's OK.  The rest of the morning was fine.  Hopefully I can handle some food.

Not my photo, took it from the internet, but this is what it looked like.  What a horrible job this is.  I worked for two days and I only have 1/4 of the floor done.  It's 1000 square feet.  Getting the grout out is easier than getting it in.  I really wish I could pay someone else to do it now.  I am stuck though.  Have to finish what I started.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

22 May 2013

I have been trying to re-grout my tile floor.  All I did was the landing at the foot of my stairs and I am completely and totally exhausted.  Re-carpeting my stairs was much easier than re-grouting.  I discovered I really dislike grouting.

My colon has been really bad today.  I didn't eat until about 1 p.m. and from the time I woke up until 1 p.m. my stomach kept burning (colon).  I would get attacks even though there was nothing in my stomach.  I was feeling hungry so at around one I ate and then at around 6 p.m. I had to use the washroom.  I pee'd out my rear end.  It was such a large amount I can't believe I'm not dehydrated.  I certainly didn't take in as much liquid as left my body.  There's no way.  I didn't notice blood today though.

I ate about a cup of fried mushrooms in butter, taro root and sweet potato chips small bowl full, and some Famous Amos cookies.  I also had stuffed red pepper.  That's it all day.  I should have eaten nothing, but I was hungry.  I'll try again tomorrow.

I just get so incredibly grouchy without eating.  As long as I can eat a little bit, I'm OK.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

22 May 2013

I felt pretty good today.  Ate a couple of bags of Famous Amos cookies and I shouldn't have.  Ate a small stuffed red pepper (stuffed with hamburger).  Drank ginger ale and herbal peppermint tea with honey.  I was pretty good all day.  I felt almost normal.  Had the probiotic first in the morning on an empty stomach and then had the L-glutamine at around 11:30 a.m.  I only used the toilet about 9 times today, maybe 15 counting this evening.  I thought I was doing so well with not being completely exhausted all the time and being able to get food in and pooping way less than usual.  Usually in the past month it has been at least 30x per day I'm pooping.  Anyway, I just went to the washroom now at midnight and there is blood and a huge clump of it was in the toilet.

By huge I mean the size of a quarter or maybe a loonie.  There was liquid blood as well.  I'll try really hard not to eat for two days. I keep saying that, but it is so difficult not to.  I did go for 9 1/2 hours yesterday without using the toilet and my body wasn't in too much pain yesterday.  I re-carpeted my stairs just me and my son.  Pretty energetic I'd say.  So maybe I am still getting better, just had a scary issue today and I'll continue on my road to more healthy.

Monday, May 20, 2013

21 May 2013

I don't want to get too excited, but I ate a stuffed red pepper (hamburger, onions and salt and pepper were the stuffing) and meat is especially bad for me, but it smelled soooooooooooooo good.  I also had cheese and something else I can't remember, but my reaction is relatively good!  I carpeted the stairs (amazing in itself since I could only lay in bed pretty much for quite a while) and the whole time it took to carpet the stairs (about 3:30 - now 1:02 a.m., so nine and a half hours) I used the washroom only once!!  I have one more landing stair to carpet but I have to get more carpet.  But wow.  I think it is amazing that I could get this done.  The thing I changed is taking L-glutamine and 50 billion count probiotic.  I had probiotics in my Melaleuca vitamins, but not enough I guess.

I really think I am improving.  It is still too early to tell.  I may just be having a good day and have to be hospitalized tomorrow or something, but usually if I'm feeling this good, I'm going to get better as long as I don't make a habit of eating things like stuffed red peppers.  It seems crazy for me to eat that now.  I live with a daughter who cooks, and she asked me to please try it and I ate the whole thing.  It was only one helping.  It did hurt my stomach later but for me to be able to do the stairs like I did is tremendous!

Copied picture from google images... I don't know how to get my photos off my phone :(  But this is what the stuffed red peppers looked like sort of:

I wish I had before/after photos of my stairs!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

18 May 2013

I'm trying a probiotic and L-glutamine to see if that gives me any relief, along with the rest of my vitamins and supplements.  This was my second day trying it.  So far, it seems to have made my ulcerative colitis WORSE.  That's terribly upsetting.  The probiotic was $32 for the bottle.  Disheartening.  It better work.  I've read on that it works wonders for a lot of people.  I really want this flare to get under control before next month.

Friday, May 17, 2013

17May 2013

Ate some lunch (small bowl of rice) and a bubo tea (spelled wrong) and two small bags Famous Amos cookies. On the toilet now. Third time pooping since lunch.

17 May 2013

I had a small portion of Shepherd's pie at around 6:30 p.m. and Famous Amos Cookies (2 bags).  I was up about four or five times during the night on the toilet and it hurt my stomach.  I have eaten nothing since.  It is 9:30 a.m. in the morning.  I just had my iron supplement.  It is a liquid packet.  I'll wait until just before lunch to have my vitamins and supplements.  My stomach is burning but I think if I continue not to eat today I may be OK.  David wants me to go to lunch with him.  I'll have a Teaberry drink (yogurt and crushed up avacado, cucumber and mango.  Maybe I'll have some white rice at the lunch.  Maybe I won't eat anything.  I start feeling better when I haven't eaten for a long time.  Then I get bold and think I can eat.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

16 May 2013

Raging burning in the stomach because at lunch I ate.  I thought I would puke it hurt so much.  It's 12:15 a.m.  Tomorrow I will not eat so that I can sleep through the night.  I will try as hard as I can not to eat.  I want some peace.  Logging this in the blog spot as I don't want people to read it unless they seek it out.  Who wants to know about stuff like this? Not many people I'm thinking, so writing it here is good for me.  I haven't actually puked from UC yet.  This third flare since being diagnosed (third flare in my life) I have felt nausea for the first time.  I read about it but I thought it didn't apply to me.  Now I know it does.  Interesting how each of the three flare episodes has been somewhat different.  I feel better now so I'm going off the lap top and toilet and into bed.  We'll see how long it lasts.  I am using the toilet about 45 times a day; all after I eat.  I use it about 15 times in the morning when I wake up and if I eat lunch I use it all evening and night until around 2:00 a.m.  I get a break from about ten a.m. to one p.m. if I don't eat anything when I wake up.  My plan tomorrow is to not eat at all and sleep when I want and function how I want during the day without having to be glued to the toilet.

15 May 2013

I ate a can of tomato bisque soup with rice in it and some Famous Amos cookies at noon.  It's now 2:30 and my stomach is rumbling and I've had to go to the washroom twice.  My rumbling stomach is hurting.  I now weigh 140 lbs.  I was 147 lbs when I started being very bothered by the UC.  It's rather interesting how the food goes in solid and comes out a couple of hours later as a dark liquid.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

14 May 2013

I went for a run tonight.  I was feeling quite well since I hadn't eaten for 24 hours.  around 3 I had two slices of thin crust hawaiian pizza and something else rather small.  During the run at first my stomach hurt, but then I got over it.  We then stopped for a bit in the run (I ran with a friend) and after that I was felt a burning in my stomach and kept going then I felt like I was going to crap myself.  I made it back to my friend's house and she drove me the last two blocks home.  It felt so good to go out and exercise though.  It was worth the risk.

Monday, May 6, 2013

6 May 2013

I am sick.  I'm sick all day.  In between bathroom trips I'm exhausted.  My arms feel so tired it's a chore to raise them to the laptop to type.  At least I haven't lost too much weight yet.  I've lost about four pounds.  We have no health insurance, so I can't go to the doctor.  Who cares anyway, the doctor will just prescribe medication which will make me sick.  I have to try to get over this myself.  If it gets really bad and I start losing weight seriously, I'll take the medication, which will make me fat, but I'll take it anyway. Prednisone is horrible.  I'm sure that's what they'll give me.  I'm trying to get better on my own.  I'm trying to relax, but that isn't working very well.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

4 May 2013

I am so tired all the time.  I always need an afternoon nap or I have to lie down.  I would fall asleep if I didn't have so many family members making noise, but I am so tired though.  Still can't eat very well, but I do eat.  Then I just feel sick afterwards.  I've been feeling nauseous as well off and on.  Right now I want to go to sleep very badly, but my daughter has a friend over.  I had some fried rice, a couple of chicken ball things (deep fried) and beans.  That ought to send the UC into bad spasms, but I have to eat.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

2 May 2013

I was so sick of hovering near the toilet at home that I ventured out of the house this chilly morning to go for a run.  It was quite daring as I may not have been near a toilet and that would be horrible.  As it turned out, although my stomach was very sore with each pound of the pavement, I did not crap myself.  I also felt GREAT for having gone out there and exercised.  I wasn't even tired in the slightest.  I considered stopping to give my stomach a break, but I carried on since the distance was short and I didn't have to poop.  When I do get out to exercise, I feel much better.

The Ulcerative Colitis is still quite bad and is annoying and painful.  I am very careful about what I am eating.