Saturday, February 4, 2012

Blue Lips

I felt extrememly ill today. I ate nothing all day, and then at 1:30 I went to a Chinese Restaurant to bring my children. I ordered food as it is somewhat rude to go to a restaurant and not eat. I had fried rice, four pork dumplings and some cooked beans and water. I ate two fortune cookies at the end of the meal. I was so ill on the way home that my lips turned blue!? Perhaps it was totally unrelated, but they were blue. I was not cold. It was weird. The blood is much less. There is almost none. My stomach hurts though - really badly. I slow down for any bumps because drivng in the car and hitting a bump hurts a lot. I have to race to the washroom at weird times with little warning. At least I can feel what is going on with my body. Prednisone helped, but I think it was there only to stop the bleeding. I am also very exhausted. My body feels ill. I am scared to move because if I jerk myself too much I hurt my bowls really badly and then I need to go to the washroom. I am going to google to find out why my lips might be blue. My heart also pumps weirdly. It is pumping too fast a lot. I just googled it and one sight said that if I experience dizziness with blue lips I should call 911. That's not going to happen. I don't need 911, if I need to go to the doctor's I can drive myself. Also, I don't feel I need to go to the doctor's. Plus, it's a random website I just googled. I think my lips turned blue because I must have anemia from losing so much blood in the last three months.

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