Monday, February 6, 2012

Almost off prednisone.

My stomach is almost not swollen this morning. I promised myself last night on the toilet I would try not to eat anything today to give myself a rest. I think I may be exhausted from pooping over 20 times a day. About six of those times was durng the night making it difficult to sleep. My bones are aching quite a bit. There's still blood with the supplements, but far less than there used to be. I am on 1/2 a tablet of prednesone (5 mg) so I am almost totally off of it. If I were to keep taking it it would be four months of prednisone and that is too dangerous to me considering their side-affects.

I have to bake a carrot cake with elaborate decorations for someone today. I think I can do it. It is not due to be delivered until tomorrow, so as long as I get started today and get the cake baked and the fondant on, I should finish it on time with no issues. I am so tired though - but I think I can do it.

My stomach still hurts though. I am not sure about going to the gym, but I am going to try it. I need to take care of keeping my blood flowing and my heart pumping. The doctor said it is good to work out, but I am not working out like I used to as I am scared about how much calories I am taking in when considering how much I am burning off. I streatch a lot and do light weights. I also walk and sometimes jog.

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