Monday, June 13, 2016

13 June 2016

I have a temperature of 101.2 since yesterday when I took it; Possibly longer, but I just took it yesterday for the first time. Moving hurts my stomach. I drank a chocolate milk, 150 calories and a large pink lemonade at Taco Bell which tasted horrible. I also had water. that's all I've been able to take in all day. It's now 4:33 p.m. in the afternoon. I don't want to eat because I want to go to work tomorrow. I can't believe I haven't crapped everything I've ingested out of me. I've gone to the bathroom about 25 times. What could possibly be left to poop out?

My skin feels cold frequently and I'm cold when other people aren't. It is a good thing it is in the 80s all week. I have a pounding headache. I think that's from lack of blood. It's bearable though. I took two Ibuprofen even though I don't really like taking medication. I need to get to work. I have Thursday and Friday off, then Saturday and Sunday. I have four days to try to make myself better. I can't stand doing this. Like work isn't difficult enough without wondering if you'll pass out while working. I stock shelves for five hours. After that the tasks are variable. Today I pulled weeds for three hours after stocking shelves. It was over 80 degrees Fahrenheit out. I was dizzy every time I stood up and thought I'd poop myself almost constantly. I have two more years at this job though to make over $50,000.00/year. That's my goal. Last two more years. Even if I were to become fabulously wealthy somehow before then, I want to make it to five years. Come on Body! You can do it!!

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