Thursday, October 24, 2013

24 October 2013

So after waking up every hour or two last night all night until around 6 a.m., I had to wake up at 7 a.m. to get Jacqueline ready for school.  She's my daughter in grade 1.  I was so tired.  Jacqueline refused to get ready, so we both just went back to bed and woke up again at 8 a.m. I got her up and got her ready for school despite protest from her.  It was picture day and she informed me when she returned that day from school that she didn't miss pictures - thanks goodness!

So I didn't eat anything all day until noon.  I had these turkey wrap pieces and three pieces of candy.  Now, at 4:33 p.m. I am starting to have pain in my chest and I am starting trips to the bathroom.  If I don't eat anything the rest of the day I may be able to sleep all night tonight - I hope.  I'm so glad I have a place to complain.  This way, anyone who doesn't want to know about this, doesn't have to read it!!  Plus, I get a chance to vent how I feel about what is bothering me.  I can also document it.

I was just looking online for famous people with ulcerative colitis.  Out of ten, two people had their colon removed, one died of colon cancer, a couple are doing fine on drugs.  John Kennedy had colitis and when they did the autopsy on him when he died they found that he was on a lot of drugs for back pain (unrelated?) and also drugs to control his ulcerative colitis.  I can't remember the rest of the details.

I have been able to stop the blood in the past week purely by taking the supplements and vitamins.  I hope this is a good sign and I will get better.

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