Saturday, June 8, 2013

8 June 2013

Went to a rodeo today.  I didn't think I could make it as my body ached so badly.  My face feels hot as well.  I went to the rodeo anyway for 7 hours.  We went out to dinner and I ate at 6 p.m. for the first time all day.  I had 1/2 a portion of spaghetti and a piece of garlic cheese toast.  A slice.  I thought it would do me in, since I didn't eat all day and I was doing really poorly, but I was OK.  I didn't have to use the toilet the whole 7 hours! I was, however, FREEZING cold.  My lips turned blue and I had a sweater on and the temperature said 73 degrees Fahrenheit.  My body ached so badly I thought I'd have to get David to carry me to the van.  It was horrible.  It was nice being with my family though and I got to see everything without a washroom break.

My daughter the cowboy lover with her newest cowboy hat:

                                         Cowboy getting bucked off:

                                          My daughter who moved down in front for a better look:

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