Thursday, June 20, 2013

20 June 2013

Got all brave because I was feeling well and ate a black bean vegan burger at dinner last night.  Mistake.  Way too much fiber.  I was up all  night and still am visiting the toilet.  No blood though, so that's good so I am definitely doing better.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

19 June 2013

Things are not perfect, but doing much better.  The better I do, the less I feel the desire to blog.  I like complaining when I'm miserable, and I am way less miserable than I used to be.

Monday, June 17, 2013

18 June 2013

I am getting better for sure.  I was not at all exhausted today.  I worked hard all day and I also had no feeling of having to race to the washroom.  I didn't poop all day as well and when I did go, I only peed and there was no blood at all.  Oh no, I did poop this morning a little cat-looking poop, but it was formed and everything!  Probiotics, Melaluca vitamins, astaxanthine, spirunella, chlorella,  and l-glutamine worked!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

16 June 2013

I have been eating more with less repercussion.  I have had my friend visit from Canada and my Aunt and Uncle visit from Canada and always when you have friends you have food.  I ate and although it made me feel a bit sick, I was able to do it and I didn't spend all evening on the toilet.  I am definitely better, but not totally better.  I am also not exhausted all the time.  Woo hoo!  I healed myself without the doctor! Or I am well on my way to healing myself without the doctor.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

13 June 2013

Stomach was good all day.  Amazing.  I must be getting better.  I didn't eat today until around 6:00 p.m., but usually even if I don't eat I feel kind of bad.  I kept busy all day cleaning the garage.  I'm having a garage sale tomorrow and Saturday.

I got all careless and ate a full dinner of hamburger with four different peppers and purple onion and different colored potatoes.  My stomach is rumbling now.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

12 June 2013

The cough medicine I am taking really helps with bodyaches.  It's supposed to, but I think I had them from a bad cough, but I also have them from UC, so it's difficult to tell what I have body aches from exactly.  The cough medicine works to ease the pain though, so I enjoy taking the medicine.

My digestive system is the same in terms of not doing so well.  There's blood in the toilet, but I think there may be less than usual.  I think the probiotic and L-glutamine could be working very slowly.

It's the end of the day.  I had an avacado steak with pepper jack cheese 6" sub from Subway at lunch.  I had a few other little things to eat as well, but that was the main thing.  I was on the toilet this evening regretting ever eating.  I HAD to have pooped out more than came in.

I saw less blood though.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

11 June 2013

I had a little round of solid poop yesterday!  A lot of blood as well, but at least there was some solid going on!  A lot of diarrhea as well, but that little solid ball was a good sign I think.  That was after I entered my blog for the day late at night.

I'll write how my day went later.  It's only 10:35 a.m. right now.

Monday, June 10, 2013

10 June 2013

So I woke up this morning extremely sore.  I called my friend and (we had a date for me to clean her house as we're helping each other clean) she said I could be there by 9:30 a.m. So I worked at her house helping her clean until 3 p.m.  I came home, bought groceries, and then sat for a bit with my littlest daughter.  She was with me all day but I didn't pay attention to her as I was helping clean while she played with my friend's children.  At around 6 p.m. I started re-grouting my downstairs.  There's 1000 square feet of tile down there.  I got a huge portion of it done and so in total, I am about half done now.  I did about 1/7th of it a while ago.  It is such difficult work.  So, I didn't think I could get out of bed, and ended up working extremely hard all day.  Yay!  I feel a little better as well.  I have a bad cough though right in my chest.  It hurts.

The toilet was full of blood, but I went less often while I was working.  I ate chicken salad and some cheese sticks today.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

8 June 2013

Went to a rodeo today.  I didn't think I could make it as my body ached so badly.  My face feels hot as well.  I went to the rodeo anyway for 7 hours.  We went out to dinner and I ate at 6 p.m. for the first time all day.  I had 1/2 a portion of spaghetti and a piece of garlic cheese toast.  A slice.  I thought it would do me in, since I didn't eat all day and I was doing really poorly, but I was OK.  I didn't have to use the toilet the whole 7 hours! I was, however, FREEZING cold.  My lips turned blue and I had a sweater on and the temperature said 73 degrees Fahrenheit.  My body ached so badly I thought I'd have to get David to carry me to the van.  It was horrible.  It was nice being with my family though and I got to see everything without a washroom break.

My daughter the cowboy lover with her newest cowboy hat:

                                         Cowboy getting bucked off:

                                          My daughter who moved down in front for a better look:

Friday, June 7, 2013

7 June 2013

I now weigh 139 lbs.  Not too much different than normal.  I had an omelette for dinner with four different colors of peppers in it, some mushrooms and onion fried up.  My daughter cried it was so disgusting to her, but she doesn't eat healthy and I'm trying to get her to.  She's six.  My 16-year-old does eat fairly healthily.  That's basically all I ate today besides one of those Japanese drinks (bilbo tea or something like that).  I'm totally full.  So weird.  So far my stomach is ok.  It was having a really hard time all day which is why I barely ate anything.  I used the toilet about ten times before ten a.m. I used it multiple times during the day as well.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

6 June 2013

So, I didn't eat all day and I still had quite a few issues. I finally ate at 5:00 p.m. (some sweet potato fires).  It was OK.  Now, I'll see what happens.  My stomach hurt before this, now we'll see what happens, but I had to eat.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

5 June 2013

I read an article yesterday that said that people with a chronic condition can get depressed and that it is essential that I exercise every day to combat that depression.  I can see how I would get depressed with Ulcerative Colitis.  I can't leave the house for very long periods of time.  Going shopping for groceries is not fun.  I think I do, essentially, make myself do things.  I went to my grandmother's funeral last weekend which was a four-hour drive away in Selkirk, Manitoba.  I go shopping if I must, but I do not exercise every day like I was doing before.  The last time I tried, my friend had to drive me home and during the ride home I thought I was going to crap myself in her car.  That was the last time I attempted to work out.  That was a month ago.  I guess I should get the guts up and try it again though.  This is my goal for the next couple of weeks, to work out every day.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

4 June 2013

So, stomach was bad all morning.  Didn't eat at all until noon.  Had leftover Shepherd's pie.  I feel very full when I eat a full serving of something.  I wish I could go without eating for a couple of days to give my body a break.  I helped a friend clean her house this morning and then she's going to help me Thursday.  I am super tired now.  I don't want to do anything but sleep.  The toilet is full of blood every time I use it.  I poop about 40 times a day or more.

It is now 9:20 p.m.  I haven't eaten anything since lunch and I probably won't eat anything until tomorrow.  I don't feel hungry, so it is no issue as far as starving is concerned.  I weigh 140lbs anyway, which is quite a bit.  I'm 5'9 3/4.  I tried to do things this evening, but I had to use the toilet too much.  I don't feel comfortable leaving the washroom for very long.  Every time I move my stomach feels like I'm forcing my large intestine lining to detach from the wall of my stomach.

Monday, June 3, 2013

3 June 2013

So, after eating at Buffalo Wild Wings with my family, I felt a little ill, but it wasn't too bad.  I had a brat burger.  It tasted delicious and I had french fries with it.  Afterwards I mowed 1/2 the lawn (my son mowed the other half) and I pulled all the dandelions in the lawn. I also planted some carrots, peas and flowers (Morning Glories) with the help of my daughter Jacqueline.  Here's our demolished lunch:

Freshly mowed lawn with flowers:

Lilac plants.  They smell beautiful along with the fresh cut grass:

                                          Lilacs again:

                                          Peas, carrots and pumpkin planted along with some Morning Glories:

Right in the middle of  mowing the lawn and pulling dandelions I had to drive my 16-year-old daughter to ballet.  After I got to ballet, I had to go to the toilet so bad I thought I would go in my pants... but I didn't.  All I could think of when I was driving the van was "Please don't crap!! How do I clean this up afterwards? We have cloth seats!" It was very frightening.  I used a public washroom and saw that I evacuated the shepherd's pie I ate for dinner yesterday.  Corn totally undigested.  Blood was in the mix.

It is now 10:40 p.m. at night.  The above paragraphs were written during the day.  I have emergency diarrhea.  As soon as I move too much I have to race to the washroom as there seems to be no time between the feeling of needing to go to the washroom and it happening.  The toilet is full of blood each time.

3 June 2013

Now we are going out to lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings for my son's Grade twelve graduation yesterday. Of course, this is a delemma for me as eating anything will have a bad affect.  I do have to eat something eventually anyway though.  I just recovered from yesterday's Shepherd's pie and slept all day, all night, and most of the morning.  I don't want to waste this day as well.  I have a lot to do.  There's blood always leaking a little from my rear end now.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

2 June 2013

I cannot find my supplements and vitamins! I didn't eat all day but had some Shepherd's pie with the family after my son's graduation, so I made it through the graduation, but now I've been on the 'ole toilet since eating the Shepherd's pie at 5 p.m.  I don't have anything to stop or control or treat the diarrhea and blood.  I better find the stuff.  I am also exhausted.  I'll have to look again tomorrow.  I'm certain I'll find them somewhere.  I went to Winnipeg yesterday so I had them packed in a plastic bag all in one spot (one of those zip-lock ones).

I did figure out how to get photos on here so I don't have to keep downloading them from the internet.

Above is me and my son and my six-year-old daughter under his arm at his graduation today from grade twelve.  This is why I couldn't eat all day.  I had to be there for his graduation, not the toilet.  I am so happy he graduated.  I don't know what he's pointing at.  I can't remember what was going on.

2 June 2013

Can't eat today.  My son is graduating at 1:30 p.m. and I need to be there, not in the toilet.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

1 June 2013

So, so tired.  Slept all night last night outside of a couple of washroom breaks, slept most of the day and now, at 11:16 p.m., I am so tired my bones ache and I feel like I might start crying.  Apparently, fatigue is a symptom of Ulcerative Colitis.  My fingers ache elbows, legs, everything.

Not me, pic from internet... as soon as I can figure out my phone camera, I'll post real photos:

1 June 2013 Afternoon

I just ate out at a Chinese restaurant because my family wanted to go and I wanted to go with them and I looked stupid if I didn't eat, so I ate a regular meal and went up and got seconds.  My stomach started bubbling while I was still at the restaurant.  I don't understand how it could since it must take a while for the food to reach your colon, but my colon was screaming before we left the restaurant.  I'm tired now.  Body aching.  I only went to the washroom twice though since I returned from the restaurant at 3:00 p.m.  It's an hour later.

1 June 2013

I didn't eat almost at all yesterday and my diarrhea was awful.  On the way home in the car from Winnipeg, Manitoba I stopped at Subway to eat because my children were starving.  I ordered a 1/2" sub (bacon, egg and cheese).  I ate 3/4 of it but had to stop as the egg was frozen.  Disgusting.  I ate the part before I stopped anyway frozen and all.  It had green peppers on it, southwest sauce and onions.  I know that's crazy considering the circumstances, but that was all I had to eat all day. I would have thought the repercussions from eating a sandwich like that would have been far worse than what they were.  I wasn't on the toilet that much considering how much I was on the toilet not having anything in my stomach.  Oh wait, I had the salt and vinegar chips that went with the sandwich and water.

Yeah, so it wasn't too bad.  I only had to use the washroom about four times between 7:30 p.m. before I went to sleep that night and 11:00 p.m. before I went to bed.  I did make it the two hour drive from where I stopped without having to pull over.  I did have to use the washroom during the night a couple of times and in the morning, but considering the food, it wasn't that bad.