Tuesday, January 3, 2017

3 January 2017

I am exhausted all the time. Absolute bone-crushing fatique is what I feel 100% of the day. My whole ten days off all I could think about when I was moving in any way was not moving. When I could go to bed it was exciting. When I use the toilet to poop chunks of jello-like darker red pieces come out that I know are not poop. I can't afford to go to the doctor. I'm afraid to go to the doctor when I have paid off my current doctor bill which is around $400. My dentist bill is around $400 as well from when I had a cap put on my tooth this summer. Then there's daily bills from normal life like mortgage. I don't want to incur any more debt, so I refuse to go to the doctor until I have enough money to comfortably pay for the doctor.

I feel like sitting around all the time. I did for seven days while on vacation. I didn't do anything physical except paint (fine art). Then I'd take a break and fall asleep on the couch, wake up an hour later then try to watch TV or paint. That's all I did. I made myself do some things with my daughters though. I took them sledding and went on a hike with the older one. I also did everything Christmas on the 24th - 26th.

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