Sunday, January 29, 2017

29 January 2017

My exhaustion is tipping the scales of tolerability. I don't know if I can get up every single day. I am so exhausted always. I crapped myself about ten times this month, but I always wear a pad, so it wasn't a horrible one like I posted a while ago. That's only happened once. I am so tired though. I can't stand it. I fantasize about sleeping when I'm not sleeping and I am worried about the next day every day wondering how I'll do it. I seem to be ok if I don't have to wake up at 3 for work and stock shelves for five hours. When I have time off and laze around, I certainly get better, but who can live like that and how can my body stay healthy if I am a slob? I don't know. This job has helped so much. It makes me move, but it may be too much for me to handle. It is too much for a lot of healthy people, but maybe a lot of people are just lazy. Everything aches.

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