Saturday, November 5, 2016

5 November 2016

I would like to enjoy just living without stomach pain. A guy at work went home because he had diarrhea. He went to the bathroom six times that morning. He's a pretty tough guy. He's a hard worker. I have gone to the washroom 30 - 35 times per day at work. Dripping sweat trying to keep up with my work load and exceeding the work load required while suffering horrible stomach pain and a fever of over 100. This is how I live every day. I don't think people have a clue of what this is like. I've only gone home twice since working at Costco in three years for stomach pain and crapping and suffered through it almost every day.

I have missed a week of work the second year I worked there because I had to go to Mayo Clinic for my UC, and now I have FMLA (which means I can miss work for this cause without it going on my sick days), but I don't know how I am going to keep going in the next fifteen years. I really should try to be a Supervisor or Manager, but I don't want the time taken from my daughter. I am in a fix and I don't know what to do.

On top of that, I have knee pain from the military which is exacerbated by this job, feet pain, hand pain and horrible hip pain from work (running on a concrete floor for over eight hours per day). I really have to figure this out.

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