Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24, 2014

Well, I'm fatter, but still thin. I have horrible farts that smell like rotten animal if I eat too much the day before. My belly is bloated, but it doesn't hurt mostly and I can eat whatever I want as long as it's not too much. I stopped taking the supplements and vitamins. The Redmond's Clay really helps when I'm feeling ill.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

9 April 2014

STILL doing well. I should really get a colonoscopy. I am due for one, but they are so unpleasant. I may just do one here in Fargo, but if I could, I would like to get one at the Mayo Clinic. My trust of doctors here is really low. When my ulcers start acting up, it's usually because I ate incorrectly. If I lay off food for a couple of days I do well again. I've avoided having diarrhea almost entirely. I can definately feel issues with my colon when I eat too much or something with too much fiber in it.

Friday, March 28, 2014

28 March 2014

I Blog WAY less when I'm feeling fine. I've been feeling fine lately, however the problems never completely leave.  My stomach reacts to things if I eat too much or if I eat anything with too much fiber in it.  I can eat anything though and not get too bad of a reaction.  All my poop is solid as well, as in not liquid.  The density of the poop varies, but it is almost always on the solid side. A couple of weeks ago I had a liquid poop for the first time in a long time. I ate very bad that day though. Today I am feeling OK, even though I ate high fiber crackers with Havarti cheese. Tastes soooo good.  I am gaining weight as well because I can eat enough to get fat now.  I'm still thin to look at though, even though I weigh 140lbs, but I like looking thin so it's not a problem. I think I'm a good weight for 5'9- 5/10 (depending on who is measuring). I am picking up again on my probiotics since I've been slacking in those lately, which is why I think I had the liquid poop a couple of weeks back.  As soon as I feel good I reduce the amount I take of vitamins, which is not good.

Here's one of the vitamins I take:

Nutrex                              Bioastin Hawaiian Astaxanthin 12 MG, 25.0 Each , Gelcaps

Here's another one:

Here's another one:

There's more... but I don't want to get up and check the label on my probiotic in the cupboard.  The bath is waiting for me.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

7 February 2014

Today my stomach was distended.  I ate badly for someone with Ulcerative Colitis.  I had a croissant sandwich loaded with turkey meat and lettuce and cheese (half of one) and a ceasar salad.  For dinner I ate at a friend's house and had fried chicken with cheese, sour cream and potatoes mixed together and macaroni salad and I ate a lot of it.  I also had lemonade.  My friends were so nice and gracious.  There's no way I could have turned them down.  I had some cookies as well and hot chocolate.  I know.  I'm asking for it.  I was rolling and brolling in my stomach. My poop was still solid though, which is GREAT! Who would have thought I'd ever care what my crap looks like? It is actually exciting for me to encounter crap that is solid. Red watery crap is alarm bells (for anyone really I suppose, but especially for me because I know what's coming - anywhere from a day's discomfort to a year in an attack and a possible hospital stay. I'm living on the edge!

Friday, January 24, 2014

24 January 2014

So I ate some nuts and meatballs today.  My guts sound like gunfire from inside.  My stomach is distended to the point where my jeans are tight.  Obviously a wrong choice of food was made today.

Monday, January 13, 2014

13 January 2014

I'm verging on getting worse again, but currently my weight is up and I'm pretty much fine.  I am absolutely loving eating fruit and vegetables, even though they just about send me into attacks from which I cannot recover, but, so far, I've been OK in that I usually just have a rolling bubbling colon which everyone can hear and worries about and which turns things to liquid, but after I recover from it.  It doesn't send me to a bloody toilet prison for months. I'm being bad with my vitamins and supplements as well, but using them again and I'm controlling it very well with no blood.  I just have to discipline myself not to eat too much fresh fruit and vegetables which I love.

I found that I am completely and totally repulsed by meat now.  I loved bison meat, or buffalo meat some might call it, and so I bought some about a month ago.  I opened the package and bright red blood dripped into the sink.  I was totally repulsed.  I gave the other section of bison meat to my friends and my daughter ate most of the stuff I cooked up and I threw the rest out, which made me worry about that part of the bison that died in vain. So I guess for now I am a vegetarian that can't eat fruit and vegetables and meat!! I eat a lot of sweet things though and fattening things which is bad for my body and my colon no doubt.  I think I freak out when I can finally eat whatever I want and go overboard.  I really need to control myself.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2 January 2014

I have been eating badly and my stomach is showing it and suffering from it.  It isn't too bad and there's no blood and I think I can get a handle on it right now if I get myself under control, but I definitely need to start taking more of my vitamins and supplements regularly.