Wednesday, July 27, 2016

27 July 2016

Went to the emergency room on Monday because I was so ill Sunday. I couldn't take it. Sunday my fever was 102 Fahrenheit. My body was horribly aching. To make a long story short, I got prednisone and now it's like I am not even ill. Amazing as always. It will tide me over until I have to see the Gastroenterologist on August Second.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

14 July 2016

So incredibly exhausted tired that I cannot sleep. My bones ache. I wish I could just sleep and sleep and sleep. Getting up to poop is like running a marathon in my head - getting up the gusto to do it that is, unless it's urgent, which happens a lot, then I just do it.

I got a hold of Mayo Clinic and they are mailing my records over to my house so I can deliver them to this new Ulcerative Colitis natural healing doctor I heard about. David told me about her. She sounds like she may have an idea with it comes to UC unlike my experience has been at Sanford. They are going to try to get me in next week. My blood is low enough to need a blood transfusion or very close to needing one. Some days are far worse than others. A couple of days I couldn't stop crying when I felt a wash of exhaustion overwhelm me. The past two days I feel it, but I've resigned myself to the fact that I won't get help for a while, but it'll eventually come, and I seem to be able to better handle things with this mind set.

Still pooping when I eat. Liquid poops.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

9 July 2016

I went to the walk-in clinic. I don't have a family practitioner and this complicates things quite a bit. I need to have a doctor for referral and I don't have one. The tests they did at the walk-in clinic indicated that my hemoglobin level was at 8. It's supposed to be twelve I think. Since I know nothing of medical things (I was a medical writer but on studies and I'm familiar with that terminology but not these things).

The walk-in clinic results said that I am almost to the point where I need a blood transfusion. I'm exhausted, I have very little energy. When I walk a small distance I have to sit down. I am trying to keep going at my job and my side job. I'm so tired though. When I get up I'm dizzy. My heart thumps weird as well.

There's an awesome doctor here who is going to accept me. It will be at least a week before I can get in to see her though. So I have to last at least that long. I could sleep all day.

Monday, July 4, 2016

4 July 2016

I had chips today with a hot dog. I spent all day at the beach from 9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. I had no problems until after I ate chips and the hot dog. It was a sausage actually. I just about crapped myself and ran to the washroom and made it. I kept doing that once I arrived home. David took my daughter until eight. They are coming back for fireworks. There are a few other people coming as well for fireworks. I think they'll be mostly outside.

The entire morning I was OK. I am definitely better though. Despite what the situation came to today. I still feel better overall. This evening I don't, but during the day I did.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

2 July 2016

I think I'm doing better. I don't have a fever. I have an appetite. I ate today. Six little Brazil Cheese Buns and a Sausage that I baked in the oven. I also had strawberries and rhubarb boiled with some sugar and oatmeal. I had juice as well. Then I had a mango. I crapped so much at one time in the evening that it seemed as if I crapped my entire insides out. It was liquid, but there was a bit of texture to it. It's difficult to tell if there's blood in it as I'm having my period as well, but I think I'm not bleeding very much out my butt anymore. So, I just reduced my food intake and try to take vitamin supplements basically. I didn't watch what I ate today, but if I had, I bet it would be much better if I did watch it.