Friday, November 1, 2013

1 November 2013

Wow, I have been faithfully taking my supplements and vitamins and I am much better.  I slept for six hours straight last night and I could easily have slept more, but I had to work and get Jacqueline to school.  It has made a HUGE difference taking my vitamins and supplements.  Poop is still not normal, and I have stomach issues, but I ate a normal dinner tonight and last night and I am still doing well.  I have drastically reduced the amount of times I am using the washroom.  Tonight it will probably be an issue because I ate dinner, but I may be able to sleep during the night after midnight like I was able to last night.  This is pretty exciting.  I can't forget to take them though.  I tend to think I'll be all right without taking them after I start feeling better and then I stop taking them and then I get really ill and I have to start all over again.

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