Thursday, November 14, 2013

14 November 2013

I am feeling much much better.  The vitamins and supplements are certainly working.  I was able to stop eating long enough to give my colon a rest as well.  I usually don't blog if I am feeling fine, so I've been feeling much better lately.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

7 November 2013

So last night around 11 p.m. until 3 a.m. I was freezing.  My teeth were chattering for three hours.  I tried to have a warm bath and that didn't work.  I went in the living room upstairs and turned on the fireplace and covered up with four quilts.  After about four hours I was finally warm.  It was actually painful.  I don't know why I was so cold.  My joints were blue in my hands.  My knuckles were blue and my knees.  I have to google it to see if this is a side affect of Ulcerative Colitis.  I crapped a huge amount out into the toilet.  I had to keep getting up to crap.  I didn't eat all day today because I had a headache and also I was nauseous thinking of eating and I feel somewhat better.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

6 November 2013

I was going fine for a couple of days.  Perhaps I went a little too crazy.  Maybe it's because I skipped supplements and vitamins this morning, anyway, RACED to the toilet at around 8:15 and filled 1/2 the bowl with runny crap.  Still no blood though, so that's great.  How much crap can a body hold anyway?  I don't even know why I need to do the cleansing part of the colonoscopy since I'm totally cleaned out anyway!

Monday, November 4, 2013

4 November 2013

Still doing quite well.  Still liquid poop and some stomach issues, but generally, almost normal!  Just taking vitamins and supplements and it's working far better than any medication.  Can't believe it!

4 November 2013

I was got to sleep  until 3 a.m., but after that I got to sleep until 7, so that is pretty good.  I guess I can't expect repercussions from eating two normal meals in a row so early on in the recuperating stage or the leaving flare stage. Generally, I'm far far better than I was a week ago.  I'm still taking my vitamins and supplements.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

3 November 2013

Still not normal, but pretty close!! I think this might be as good as I can expect really.  I can't believe I am so much better than I was.  I get to sleep at night for a good solid six hours.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

2 November 2013

I was almost a normal person today!  Wow.  Incredible.  I went from "pretty sure I'm going to die" to "Almost normal" in the span of a couple of days.  I am pretty happy.

Friday, November 1, 2013

1 November 2013

Wow, I have been faithfully taking my supplements and vitamins and I am much better.  I slept for six hours straight last night and I could easily have slept more, but I had to work and get Jacqueline to school.  It has made a HUGE difference taking my vitamins and supplements.  Poop is still not normal, and I have stomach issues, but I ate a normal dinner tonight and last night and I am still doing well.  I have drastically reduced the amount of times I am using the washroom.  Tonight it will probably be an issue because I ate dinner, but I may be able to sleep during the night after midnight like I was able to last night.  This is pretty exciting.  I can't forget to take them though.  I tend to think I'll be all right without taking them after I start feeling better and then I stop taking them and then I get really ill and I have to start all over again.