Saturday, August 26, 2017

26 August 2017

Feel better now. I thought I would have to go to the ER a couple of days ago. My stomach still hurts horribly if I use it at all, tighten my muscles, hold my stomach in at all, poop too hard, etc. I guess I just have to be very careful about what goes in my mouth. Also my body feels extremely tired. I long for a nap and I've barely done anything. I don't feel as bad as when my iron was extremely low though. I had iron infusions and I feel much better.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

22 August 2017

I was almost better 100% and then I took some medication called Uceris that Mayo Clinic suggested I take and I am really bad off now. It's horrible and painful and I feel awful. I don't even want to describe the event which led me to take the medication. I will leave that for another day when I am feeling up to it. I am as not tired as I was since I had iron injections recently, and my body doesn't ache (I can see now it ached because of severe loss of blood) but my abdomen is in a great deal of sporadic pain. It is awful.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

31 May 2017

Just mailed off my POOP to Mayo Clinic. I've been there before, but never mailed my poop there before. I informed the FedEx guy that it was poop I was mailing in case it was offensive and I shouldn't do it, even though I knew I could do it. It seems so wrong. Anyway, the FedEx guy was fine with it. He told me he had to mail his poop before as well, so it's all good. That was pretty nice of him. Now that I'm going to Mayo Clinic on the 12th and 13th, I seem quite healthy relatively. I still have run a fever though from UC and I was up every 20 minutes all night the night before then had to go to work. That was horrible.

The poop sample was total liquid. It was pee from my poop. Not urine, but liquid poop. At least it mixed well with the preservative. It stank so much. Working in a lab must be so horrible. Imagine getting samples of peoples' poop from all over. *gag*

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

10 May 2017

Great article:

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

9 May 2017

I was basically doing ok for a couple of days then tonight, I ate too much and now I am feeling not ok. My body is aching terribly. Profound aches all over. I keep having to go to the washroom. If I cough lately, I poop a little. This is in the last six months. It's horrible. It's so difficult to be public friendly at work when I'm so sick.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

4 May 2017

Feeling better today. Still ill, but better, so that's good. I think today I am tired because of simply needing sleep. Had a nap when I came home from work and I'm much better now. My stomach hurt a lot in the morning, but it got better and now it's pretty good.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

25th April 2017

Well crapped my pants at work today. At least it was somewhat chunky and not completely runny. I was wearing a sanitary napkin so it caught it. I was able to make it to the washroom for the rest. I had to tell my work people about it and go home. I could have stayed if I had an extra pad, but I didn't and I didn't want to buy a Costco sized pack just then when everyone knew. I also was feeling horribly defeated. I tried to run to the closest washroom which was at the back of the store from where I was in receiving and when I got there the door was locked and someone was in there. After that I knew I wouldn't make it. I tried to run to the front of the store to the other washrooms and I got only about 1/4 of the way and poop squeezed out. My stomach was in a great deal of pain the entire morning and after I tried to make myself poop more out (more did come out) my stomach still hurt. I went to the washroom a couple of more times and I had to use toilet paper to create a barrier between me and my underwear in case of further issues. The toilet paper kept riding up and moving around and I was afraid it would come out of my pants in public. Also, if I had another accident it would go straight onto my underwear and then onto my jeans and everyone would smell and see it.

All I can do it make it home to sleep. I am completely exhausted ALL THE TIME. I get excited when I know I can to go sleep and lie in bed. When it's bed time I am so happy.